How Artists can live a Healthy Life Free of Stress and Addiction

The life of an artist comes with its peculiarities, part of which is stress on all fronts. Every profession comes with its own peculiar problems however, one peculiar problem an artist faces is the tendency of addiction troubles. Artists live a life filled with pomp and pageantry, partying, and drinking.

For regular people, living lives devoid of lot of partying and drinking could be quite usual. Artists have it different, it is a herculean task to avoid these events. Even though these events may contribute to their stress, it is a workplace hazard for them.

Let us talk about some of the ways an artist can live a healthy life and not be under stress.

  •   Cut down on the Parties: To begin with, parties are the largest hubs of drugs and alcohol overuse. If an artist is going to cut down on their use of drugs and alcohol, they need to consciously do away with partying. Go to parties only when there is a necessity for you.

Some artists love to party under the guise of easing stress, this is ironic. Such artists should take up other less stressful activities like sleeping to ease up stress.

  • Tell them You Don’t Drink: If you face difficulty staying sober, you could pass simple instructions to your management team and people around you. The instruction is as simple as “I don’t drink”, “keep alcohol away from me”, “I don’t do drugs”, etc. Since you are their employer, they have an obligation to obey your instruction.

This instruction is a way to reduce temptation around you. If you are performing at a place or attending an event, your agent should extend the instruction.

Staying sober as an artist is a personal choice, it will require your personal devotion to the commitment. In this article, there are practical steps you can take to help reduce the likelihood. However, everything comes down to your personal conviction.  

How to Spot an Addicted Artist

Substance addiction has become quite a societal epidemic in the last 50 years; its effect has become visible in almost every sphere of society.

One part of society that has had its fair share of addiction is the entertainment industry. Artists live their lives in the public eye most times, hence when they face challenges, it becomes public knowledge.

Why do so many artists become addicts? Popular opinion has it that artists should be model citizens in society, leaving these artists in the eye of the storm.

Many times artists cave into the pressure to be who they are not, and it messes up their mental health. They turn to drugs, alcohol, sex, etc., to help them ease the pressure of living up to the hype of their status.

In this article, we will check out some ways to spot an artist who faces addiction troubles.

  • Always Having the Need to Use Substances: The world of an artist is wrapped up in a lot of partying and drinking. There are a lot of drugs and alcohol at these parties, and the artists are exposed to these substances. However, when the artist becomes dependent on these substances, it is a sign of addiction.

When the artist becomes dependent on these substances such that they need them to carry out normal functions, then there is trouble. A common issue is the inability of the artist to accept that they are now addicts and in need of help.

  • Physical Signs: Like with regular people, some of the signs of addiction are physical. Excessive weight gain/loss, bloodshot eyes, bad breath, slurred speech, shakes, etc., are some signs of addiction in an artist. Some other signs include insomnia and other mental health troubles.

An addicted artist may not be a failing artist. Some artists churn up epochal records despite facing addiction problems. It causes them to be uninterested in seeking help.

Some artists consider the excessive use of drugs and alcohol an attestation of their artistry.   

Artists among Professions with High Rates of Drug and Alcohol Abuse

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, over nine percent of American workers abuse alcohol or drugs. Substance abuse leads to productivity losses, avoidable accidents, injuries, and higher episodes of sickness. The economic loss accumulates to billions of dollars. 

Some industries and professions have a relatively higher incidence of alcohol and drug abuse. Here is a list of 4 respected  professions in society where high rates of substance abuse problems are reported.

Health Care Professionals

As surprising as it may sound, 10 to 14% of doctors and medical professionals have a substance abuse issues. These occupations are among the most high-stress and demanding jobs in the world. They stress of being responsible for the lives of others can take its toll on the health care professionals. 

In addition to the stress, another reason that doctors and those in the medical profession may develop substance abuse problems is the easy access to prescription drugs and their need to relieve stress and emotional or physical pain.

Arts and Entertainment Professionals

Creativity and substance use have a long-standing connection. Creative people such as artists, musicians and performers are used to taking risks and thinking differently than others. They drink or use drugs to live with their own thoughts. Also, the creative freedom these careers have in terms of working hours and schedules could also contribute to the higher percentage of substance abuse reported among these kinds of professionals.

Lawyers and Legal Professionals

A study by the American Bar Association found that 20% of lawyers have alcohol abuse problems. This percentage is significantly more than in other professionals with a similar level of higher education. Among the legal professionals, younger lawyers with less than ten years experience seem to have the highest rates of substance abuse and mental health problems. This points to the possibility that the substance abuse might be a way to cope with the high expectation on the young lawyers for billable hours.

Management Professionals

Management professionals are also among those that show high rates of substance abuse. Though management is a broad term, it is generally referred to people who lead or supervise other people and could range from a supervisor of a small team to a CEO of a corporation. In a survey on substance use behaviors, 12.1% of management professionals studied said they’d used illegal drugs in the past month and 11.4% reported a substance use disorder within the past year.

Several treatment options including luxury and high-end facilities are available tailored to the busy high-ranking professionals. Many facilities also offer video conference services, so executives can continue to work as they undergo treatment.

Are There Factors that Predispose Artists to Addiction?

It is recognized that some professions have a higher incidence of alcohol and drug abuse. This is particularly true for the arts and entertainment industry. Professionals such as actors and musicians show higher rates of drinking and drug usage than the general population with nearly 14% reporting past month drug use and 11.5% of reporting heavy drinking.  

Performing artists who are drawn into drug use are often young and their immaturity could be clouding their decisions without first considering the consequences. Because of this drug dealers also target the rich and famous artists by making their way into their inner circle and enticing them with the temporary pleasures of alcohol and drugs.  

A number of lifestyle factors could be the backdrop for addiction problems reported among rock stars and other creative individuals. The freedom around scheduling and working hours among the artists may contribute to the rates and types of substance use. In addition, artists generally have their performances during night times when many people are drunk or high on drugs. 

A few other factors include: 

Stress and anxiety: In the news, we hear of musicians and other popular performers drink themselves to untimely deaths due to stress associated with their profession. 

Stage fright: Public appearance is a cause for panic for most people. Many musicians who succumbed to addiction report having panic attacks about playing in public. The artists who resort to alcohol and drugs to control their performance anxiety struggle to come down after their stage performance is over. They then drink more to relax, which turns into a habit difficult to get out of. Almost like a vicious cycle.

Lack of confidence: Studies show link between low self-esteem and substance abuse. People, including entertainment professionals who have low self-esteem often use drugs or alcohol to feel better about themselves, if only temporarily.

Peer pressure: Entertainment professionals face peer pressure to appear fearless and cool. Usually, artists such as musicians, work in bands consisting of more than 10 people traveling and practically doing everything together. Often this puts a lot of pressure to indulge in irresponsible behavior to please others in the group. 

Recently, perhaps after many tragic deaths among famous artists, things seem to slowly change for the better. The new generation of players appear to be more conscious about mental and physical wellbeing.

Nowadays many artists take part in physical activities such as running, cycling, and yoga. There is an increasing recognition that the best way to handle the stress of performance stress is to address the problem by being physically fit.